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Singer Songwriter Jim Boggia with Special Guest, Emmett Drueding

The Fallser Club 3721 Midvale Ave, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Tickets $25 online, $30 at the Door. (online ticket sales stop at 6:30pm day of show)  Doors open at 7pm  Jim Boggia For more than 20 years, Jim Boggia has been winning…


Yoga with Justine: a Slow Flow YinYasa

Wednesdays, 8-9am  July 24th - September 11th Drop-ins welcome! Single sessions sliding scale $10 to $20    In these 60-minute classes, we blend 2 equal and opposite yoga styles into…

Open Mic Night with host Jeff Sabalski

Doors open at 5:30pm Come celebrate music and the arts at our open mic event. We provide an open platform that welcomes all types of artists. We welcome and support…

Yoga with Justine: a Slow Flow YinYasa

Wednesdays, 8-9am  July 24th - September 11th Drop-ins welcome! Single sessions sliding scale $10 to $20    In these 60-minute classes, we blend 2 equal and opposite yoga styles into…